As of 2013 ,Psychics In The City will be implementing a policy in regards to all missed appointments.
Please note that as a courtesy, we call all of our clients the day before their reading. Our cancellation policy is that we are to receive notice by 12:00 noon the day of your appointment.
Any reading that is scheduled and missed without notice will be charged and can be rescheduled, however; a service charge will apply.
Prices will vary based on the amount of time that was missed (**the service charge will be ½ of the price of the appointment time scheduled.)
As of 2013, Psychics in the City has implemented a contract policy with all of our clients that schedule any house parties.
Our contracts will include the date, time, and hours requested, as well as, the amount of people, and the address of the event.
We will also collect all payment information in advance.
Please contact us for any and all details in regards to scheduling parties with Psychic Andrea or our other Psychics at (727)545-4368